How To Get Rid of Pests in Washington, Utah

pest control technician sealing cracks

The landscape of Utah is among the most beautiful in the country. Washington homeowners take pride in their yards and enjoy entertaining in them in the summer. But we must also share our yards with pests that can ruin our events and drive our guests indoors. 

At Western Pest Control we specialize in residential and commercial pest control solutions so you don’t have to live in fear of pests. Unfortunately, we can’t be everywhere at once. That’s why we provide our community with free tips on how to get rid of pests. By being proactive and vigilant you can protect your home from invasive pests. 

Are Pests an Issue in Washington, UT?

Pests come in many shapes and sizes. Some of them are annoying while some are destructive. Some pests can even pose a threat to you and your family. Many pests, such as rodents and termites, can cause a lot of damage inside your home. As a homeowner, you should keep a vigilant eye out for common pests in Utah.  

Most Common Pests in Utah

There are too many pests in Washington, Utah to list here but here are some of the most common.

Bed Bugs in Utah

It's important to be able to identify bed bugs before you can control them. You'll have to look closely to spot bed bugs. Bed bugs are tiny insects that are about the size of a watermelon seed. Adults are about ¼ inch in length and can vary from red-brown to copper-colored. 

Almost anything can be used by bedbugs to get into your house, including clothes, furniture, luggage, and luggage tags. Once bed bugs enter your home, they can spread all over, but it’s the bedroom where they will be most common. Bed bugs are fast little creatures and they will usually dart for cover behind headboards, under mattresses and box springs, behind dressers, and in the folds of sheets. 

Signs Of Bedbugs

The key to catching bed bugs early is knowing the signs. You can tell if you have bed bugs by these tell-tale signs.

  • Tiny red bumps on your body
  • Small specks of blood on your bedsheets
  • Bed bug droppings on sheets, mattresses, and behind headboards.
  • Discarded exoskeletons and legs from molting.

Controlling Bed Bugs

When bed bugs get into your home, they can be a real nuisance. The problem is that they breed very quickly, which makes it very difficult to get rid of them. It takes a great deal of determination and hard work to control bed bugs without a professional exterminator.

  • To prevent bedbugs from spreading to other rooms, remove all sheets and clothing from the infected room and place them in sealed bags.
  • Ensure that all remaining bed bugs and eggs are killed by washing and drying the sheets and clothes on high heat.
  • Make sure the clothes are in NEW sealed bags to prevent recontamination.
  • Put a plastic liner on your mattress and pillows. If infested, stuffed chairs and sofas need to be thrown out. 
  • Finally, scrub the walls and floors behind beds, dressers, and furniture.

Termites in Utah

Termites are the most destructive pests in Washington, Utah. Once inside your home, they can go unnoticed for years. By the time you do notice them the damage has already been done. Termites cost homeowners billions of dollars in damage each year in the United States. The most common type of termite is the drywood termite. Drywood termites carve out their nests in anything that is made out of wood including support beams, furniture, and walls. 

Signs of Termites

  • Mud tubes on the outside of buildings
  • Wood sounds hollow. when tapped
  • Darkening or blistering of wood. structures
  • Accumulation of frass (feces) that looks like sawdust
  • Discarded wings from swarmers

Controlling Termites

One of the most frequent calls we receive is from clients wanting to know how to control termites. Homeowners can reduce the risk of termite infestations by following these tips.

  • Eliminate wood/ground contact: Direct contact between wood components of a building and soil can lead to termite problems. Termites can access food, moisture, and shelter easily through earth-to-wood contact. It is recommended to raise wood siding, door frames, and window frames six inches above ground level. 
  • Keep moisture away from the foundation: Moisture attracts termites, so if the soil surrounding the foundation is consistently moist, they are more likely to infest. Make sure your gutters are clear of debris and functioning properly. Repair leaking faucets, pipes, and air conditioners, and grade the ground next to the foundation so surface water drains away. 
  • Reduce moisture in crawl spaces: Ensure that vents are free of leaves, dirt, and debris, and that vegetation is not blocking them. Moisture in crawl spaces under houses can be reduced by installing plastic sheeting over about 75 percent of the soil surface. 
  • Keep firewood and debris away from foundations: Woodpiles, firewood, newspapers, leaves, and other organic materials can attract termites. If they are stored too close to the home this can offer easy access to your home. Store firewood and other debris at least 20 feet from your home. 

Rodents in Utah

Rodents like rats, mice, and squirrels are constantly looking for ways into our homes. Once inside they can cause a lot of damage. Rats and mice can also carry harmful diseases and bacteria into your home. Rodents can gain entry into your home in a number of ways including.

  • Vents
  • Where utilities enter the home
  • Foundation cracks
  • Tree limbs

Signs of Rodents

  • Droppings: You may find tiny droppings around food sources or in nesting areas.
  • Gnaw marks: Rodents like to gnaw on things, and you may see chew marks on food packaging, furniture, or other objects.
  • Nests: Rodents will build nests out of materials like paper, fabric, or insulation.
  • Footprints: You may see small footprints or tail marks in dusty areas.
  • Sounds: You may hear rodents scurrying around, especially at night.

Gophers in Utah

Gophers are small mammals that burrow underground creating extensive tunnel systems. They feed on grasses, young trees, shrubs, plant bulbs, roots, and seeds. Not to mention, these rodents can destroy a vegetable garden rather quickly. As they dig, they can pile mounds of dirt and create unsightly bumps and holes in your yard. 

Signs of Gophers

  • Burrows: Gophers create elaborate burrow systems, and you may see the entrances and exits to these burrows.
  • Mounds of dirt: Gophers push dirt out of their burrows, and this can create small mounds around the entrances and exits.
  • Damage to plants: Gophers love to eat plants, and you may see damage to your garden or landscaping.
  • Gnaw marks: Gophers have sharp teeth, and you may see chew marks on food packaging, furniture, or other objects.

Controlling Gophers

Gophers are hard to control without professional treatment but there are some ways you can deter gophers from your precious plants. 

  • Raised garden beds: Lifting your vegetable garden off the ground will prevent gophers from being able to get at them. It can also prevent other animals from getting at your plants such as rabbits and groundhogs. 
  • Gopher Baskets: If you want to keep your plants in the ground you can use gopher baskets. These are nets that your plant's roots sit in and protect them from hungry gophers.  

Professional Pest Control in Washington, UT

While the above tips will help make your home attractive to pests, the best way to get rid of pests is to call a professional pest control company.

At Western Pest Control we have been providing the community of Washington with top-notch pest control for over 20 years. We have the skills and the experience to deal with any pest problem you are having

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